Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Letter dated September 2, 1969

 Dear Doris, Jim and family, I received your pretty card and letter, glad to hear from you.

I suppose school is in full swing by now. Hope they all like school. We had rain last night, temperature in the low 70s. I went to town this a.m.

Francis and Ruth and her folks went to see Pop yesterday. They said he was feeling a lot better and ate a good supper. I think  he can come home before long now. I was there Sat & Sun, going again tomorrow. They said he can walk about the room. Libby cut his hair and Ted shaved him, he looked so much better.  
 Pickrul Manor is like a hospital. The doctor told him it was another hospital. He liked it there he says  if he comes home he will have to work.
It will be hard to keep him from cutting,and weeding grass from his garden. I’ll tell him we will have it plowed next spring, he has been spading it a little at a time each fall.

This is a gloomy day, looks like it could rain more.  Jane and Ted came Sunday and took me over to see Pop.  I got supper for them after we got back. I had things fixed so it didn’t take long.
I gave Lois Jane that antique glass bread plate. I want you to have 4 point star quilt.
Will put your name on it.

I heard that Mrs. Maltby died - she must be pretty well up in years - ( I should say must have been).

Mrs. Matthieson is in Pickrul Manor, she had a stroke and can only say a few words, she has been in a wheel chair 10 or 12 years is still heavy. I went to see her Sunday. She said she knew me but her words were garbled . I have no idea how old she is.

The afternoons just wear on when I am alone. This is the second letter I’ve written this P.M.
 I saw John Kingery in the PO this a.m. He has his leg and foot in a cast he was injured in Viet Nam , his leg will be shorter than the other.

Maynard’s had their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday. Our church hired a new minister Sunday, he is 47. They have an 11 year old daughter. They say his wife is good to work with young people.

Marie is still working at the nursing home here in Billings. She is painting pictures between times. Elmer Combrink in Enid General Hospital, suffering from bleeding stomach ulcer. Is better but they may have to operate. Well I must sign off hope to hear from you soon. Tell Mrs. Anderson hello for us.
Excuse bad writing

Transcriptionist notes:
John C. Kingery
Elmer Combrink
The Maynard’s referenced were most likely Maude Stroud Maynard & Loye Maynard.

Letter dated August 27, 1969

 Letter dated August 27, 1969

 Dear Doris, Jim and family. Nice and cool this a.m. I washed had only 3 batches and the clothes look nice. I had Libby cash my check is the reason her name is on it she was going to Tonkawa and cashed it for me. I’m looking for Maye and husband today or tomorrow. She wrote to Ada she was coming here first.  She is my oldest sister‘s daughter. The doctor said Sunday Pop might improve faster if we could bring him home a couple of weeks where he could eat home cooking. But he was bad that day and we couldn’t say what to do. This is a lovely wash day it was cloudy early but cleared off. I don’t have a fan or air cond. on.
Write soon,

Letter dated August 18, 1969

 Letter dated August 18, 1969

Dear Doris, I went to Enid yesterday, Pop not so alert, he said he wasn’t ready to come home. I told him we wouldn’t bring him home until he was able. A few days ago he wanted to come. Guess I’ll have to put him in the nursing home after all. Jane coming today. Will let you know what we decide.  The doctor had us go look at the Packrul Manor Convalescent Home. It looks like a hospital, is nice. doctor is going to take him by ambulance. Wednesday I was determined to bring him home but not able to do much myself and Ida has a bad back. We might let him fall he is so weak compared to last time.

Received your check I haven’t cashed it yet I should send it back. You are too kind. I may send you some things I want you to have.

Letter written July 11, 1969

Letter written July 11, 1969

Dear Doris, Jim and family,

I suppose you’ll be home before this letter arrives. The weather is real hot - around 100°, hope you got home all right. Clouds are floating around. Hope it doesn’t rain. Some rain gauges registered 5 inches Sunday p.m. I went to women’s council yesterday p.m. There were 9 women out.

Sorry I got that pie too sweet. I usually add a little lemon juice. I canned a pt of tomatoes this a.m.

I didn’t know  you were allergic to perfumes, will try to give the girls something better next time.
 I had planned to give each 1.00 but hadn’t cashed my check and had no ones on hand. Will go in and cash it this a.m. before it gets too hot.

There is some breeze. The PO was closed when I mailed your other letter and I put it in the outside box had nothing to leave my letter on to add a few extra words.

Sorry I got a little out of patience with Brian, after all that is their way of learning, sometimes  we expect too much of our children. We think they should know as much as we do. Sorry you and I didn’t harmonize on that song “My God and I” (like we need to) for the tape-recording.

Make yourself more at home when you’re here. My writing is getting worse so I’ll sign off.
We enjoyed all of it you. Come again soon.


Letter written February 3, 1964

Letter written February 3, 1964

 Dear folks all,
Yes we received the money but want to send it back. You might need to help sometime later on.
With your family I’m sure you could use it. We got a $6.00 raise per month.

Weather nice here. We got 1/2 inch of rain Thursday. No snow since early in Dec.
Edwin and Myrtle coming tomorrow. Francis and Ruth visiting in Kans. Libby had op for hernia a week ago today. Expects to come home Wednesday.

Excuse haste I have an appt to get my hair fixed. I must hurry.
Loads of love,

PS: Pop not feeling very good but has a good appetite.
 This letter was written on July 27, 1959.

Dear Doris and James and family, it seems you are never going to write, hope you are all well we are having the rain here, weather cool. I stayed in Stillwater last week with Jan well Jane and Ted vacationed in Colorado. Every day Jan would ask where is daddy where is mommy? We change the subject at first but family would tell her they went bye-bye. She would say daddy work mommy  gone gone. She was real good much to our surprise she didn’t cry the morning they left they left early and she didn’t wake up in an hour and a half after they left. If she had seen them leave there would have been trouble. Karen went down there with me. I heard on TV that they had 8 inches of rain in Stillwater and some residents in SE  part of town had to leave  their homes for part of the night. Did the hurricane cause any disturbance where you are? We plan to go to Etowah for the home coming August 9. Hope it isn’t too hot. It was real chilly here yesterday evening and this morning still pleasant. I am making plum jelly and plum butter today. Too rainy to wash. I went to Rushes  open house yesterday at two. Had a nice time. Came with Holts.

Ruth home from hospital. They didn’t operate she is about like she was, Sick one day and able to go to lodge conference the next is the way she had been for a long time. Hope she gets better soon.
Tell the children all hello.
Write soon,

Myrtle said she wished they had one or two of those children. Riley Rushes and Ocral/Oral[?sic] Rushes celebrated their 40th wedding anniv Sunday.

~ transcriber note I’m not sure if that last name is Rushes or Rushis. DD

This letter was written on July 15, 1959.

Dear Dot and James and family,
How are you? We are as usual. Having lots of rain this week. It was so dark and chilly this morning. The sun trying to shine now. Pop went down town. I have written - this is the third letter this P.M.

 Jane called yesterday they plan to leave for Walters tomorrow to visit Ted’s folks. Coming back by here Monday the 20th. We will go home with them to stay with little Jan while they go to Colo. on his vacation. When do you folks get your vacation?  Doris you had better taken yours before you quit.

Edwin writes that Edwin Ellis is designing engineer at Lee’s Summit MO where he worked last year. He gets $475 per month.  I think Lee’s Summit is a suburb of Kansas City. Marie’s girls Lois and Judy went to Baptist Church Camp this week at Falls Creek near Davis Okla.
Karen was to go to 4-H camp but no other girls her age went so she gave it up.
She is visiting a few days in Blackwell with Elsie Sue and Charles. She will go with us to Stillwater next week.

Will Baker’s funeral was last Thursday and Mrs. Otis Brown’s was held on Saturday. Baker had a heart attack. Carolyn Mae Seitz came for the Baker funeral.

 Ruth Miller was telling me that Guy Snyder is studying for the ministry (Bernice’s husband). Will send you a clipping from Billings Paper - they always leave something out to cut it short. Hope it isn’t too disappointing. Well James you don’t know people here and it’s hard to write a letter of interest. Ruth writes she will be able to come home in a week. They decided not to operate, are using Physiotherapy. Love, Mom.

~Transcription note there is text written on the side:

They are having a bridal shower tonight for June Landis Wheeler.  I will go if it doesn’t rain.